8 Best April Fools Pranks to Try This Year


Laughter can be powerful medicine and it's the ideal solution when you're feeling drained or even difficult. April 1 is time to flip your smile upside down and brighten the mood with a flawless Best April Fools Pranks joke! The gag doesn't need to be complicated or elaborate to be successful -- some of the most effective ideas need little planning and are free to execute. If you're seeking more elaborate techniques Our list of the top April fools tricks offers alternatives for those as well. It's wise to be aware of your target potential audience and then target your unwitting target with the right gag.

Balloon Room

Find a door that the person who is the prank can be able to see from the outside. Inflate a number of balloons and then cluster them up. Then, attach them to the inside of the window within the door in such a way that it appears like the whole room is filled with balloons. Attach the opposite side.

Uncontrollable Remote

This trick removes this prank and takes the "control" out of the remote control: Use a small stick or tape to the sensor of the clicker. However hard they try, they'll never be able to get the TV channels to change ... regardless of fresh batteries.

Scary Silhouettes

All you require to make this joke is some carefully placed faux insects or, you could even cut the insects out of paper. Put them on the inside of a lamp and then when your target turns the switch, wow! They'll be able to see quite unsettling silhouettes in the shade.

Car Caper

Place a sign with the words "honk and smile" inside the vehicle of your target for pranks Make sure that it's covered and away from their view (and isn't blocking their view completely). For the duration of their commute, you'll be wondering why they're being pestered constantly by drivers who appear more attractive than annoyed.

All Eyes

Put a pair of google eyes to every food item in the fridge and the food items appear to look at each other whenever someone walks in the door. This works well with every kind of food item.

All the Noise

Put bubble wrap on an area rug bathmat to surprise when someone walks down. This is especially efficient early in the day, just before the victim is aware that they've taken a cup of coffee. there's nothing like a shocking, sudden noise to get someone up really quickly!

Gravity-Defying Glass

Place an upside-down drinking glass on the victim's table or desk and then let them work out how they can remove the glass, without causing the liquid inside the glass to leak. For this you need to fill the glass with water, then put an object on top, before flipping it upside down to the surface. After that, carefully take the card off.

Undrinkable Drinks

Mix up some Jello and set it in glass bottles of juice with a straw inside each. Serve the drinks to your guests' surprise: These "drinks" aren't liquid at any point, and the straws won't get them anywhere.

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